China's most trusted manufacturers of Stainless Steel Pipes & Tubes.

What environments are large-diameter steel pipe suitable for

1. Petrochemical: crude oil, refined oil, petrochemical raw materials, and finished product transportation pipes and oil field pipeline networks.
2. Natural gas: submarine and onshore long-distance pipelines; gas receiving station gas transmission pipelines; gas fields and urban natural gas pipeline networks.
3. Coal: transportation of coal, coal-water slurry, etc.
4. Structural categories: steel pipe piles and curtains for docks; steel pipes for high-rise buildings and bridge structures; structural steel pipes for offshore platforms.
5. Other categories: tap water transportation; power plant intake and drainage pipelines and high-pressure pipelines.

The application of large-diameter steel pipes has begun in various industries in our country. Since the anti-corrosion tape has been designed on the ground pipe, the anti-corrosion project does not require much effort. The stability of the pipeline itself must be paid great attention to in the process of transporting water, gas, petroleum, chemical raw materials, etc. If the pipeline corrodes during use, it will cause relatively large interference to the medium. The current manufacturing of environmentally friendly large-diameter steel pipes has successfully solved this problem. It reduces the risks of pipeline use, ensures the stability of oil and gas transportation, and can also effectively prevent corrosion.

Post time: May-07-2024